Wisdom of Sufi Mystics

April 11 – 13

Imam Jamal Rahman

Friday 7:30-9pm, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm, Sunday 10 – noon PT

Onsite and Zoom

In this retreat we explore insights and practices of Sufi teachers like Rumi, Hafiz and Rabia to open our mind and heart. We also reflect on stories of the fictional Mulla Nasruddin who teaches wisdom through humor and laughter. The aspiration is to become a more developed human being and experience joy and fulfillment in our lives, regardless of our religion or having no faith tradition.

Single Session $15 Weekend $50

Click here to register.

Imam Jamal Rahman is a beloved teacher and retreat leader whose passion for helping people deepen their spiritual lives and cultivate interfaith understanding has inspired audiences throughout the world. He has been featured in the New York Times, on CBS News, the BBC and many NPR programs. He is co-founder and Muslim Sufi minister at Interfaith Community Sanctuary, adjunct faculty at Seattle University, and a former host of Interfaith Talk Radio. He is author of Sacred Laughter of the Sufis: Awakening the Soul with the Mulla’s Comic Teaching Stories & Other Islamic Wisdom and Spiritual Gems of Islam: Insights & Practices from the Qur’an, Hadith, as well as many other publications. https://jamalrahman.com.