A Soul’s Choice: The Daily Making of a Bodhisattva

February 5-26

Linda and Pedro Oliveira

Wednesdays 7 – 8:30 pm PT

Zoom only

Helena Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Silence portrays two essential choices for the spiritual aspirant, contrasted as: head learning, open path, liberation; and soul wisdom, secret path, renunciation. We will explore these choices as landmarks of our spiritual evolution, drawing from HPB’s last priceless contribution to the world, but also from a broader perspective of Theosophical studies.

Single Session $15 Series $50

Click here to register.

Linda Oliveira joined the TS in 1971. She is a former international vice-president of the Theosophical Society and was the Australian section’s national president, as well as the editor of Theosophy in Australia, during two periods totaling 16 years. Articles by her have been published in a number of theosophical magazines. Linda has given presentations for the TS in various countries and holds a strong conviction that exploring and deeply reflecting on the perennial wisdom can provide, to those who are awake and alert, the possibility of profound spiritual transformation.

Pedro Oliveira joined the Theosophical Society in 1978. He served as international Secretary for the Society’s international headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, India, from 1992-1996. He worked as education coordinator of the TS in Australia, president of the Indo-Pacific Federation of the TS, and as officer-in-charge of the editorial office at the international headquarters. Pedro has lectured extensively in many countries and has authored several books.